Friday, 3 July 2015

biennial event in the Greater Toronto Area;

For more information and schedule, please see :

A biennial event in the Greater Toronto Area
May-June-July 2017

There is a need for a greater influence of Canada on the international art scene. The world of contemporary art has greatly evolved in the last decades and, for the first time in history, includes all continents, not just Europe and America. The Greater Toronto area must at this point position itself and become an important player in the international context. The local context can only develop itself further by engaging itself in actions and events that can lead to an international recognition.

It is with this mindset that we are determined to create an international event which will be held every two years. The concept behind the event proposes to go beyond the usual biennial-type events that have quickly spread over the globe since the 1990s. Over two hundred biennials exist today. The model at this point mostly corresponds to an international assemblage of works by contemporary artists in a location, which is not already one of the world's art capitals. It seeks to attract attention both internationally and locally, and thematically addresses issues at heart about the state of contemporary art and that of the world. The challenge is to be innovative in this context.

The event must have an international as well as a local effect. Since it is to be held in the Greater Toronto Area and propelled by the Peel and Halton regions, we wish to take into account the diversity of the populations inhabiting the regions at this point in time. This diversity is linked to globalization and its effects. Canada traditionally is made up of three founding "nations", First Nations, French and English. The event will build on this phenomenon, but also bring it up to date by including the fact that the Greater Toronto Region is now host to a multitude of people of other origins, Indians, Pakistanis, recent immigration from Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, and ex-Est European countries. 53% of the population in Toronto comes from recent immigration.

The diversity of the population will be central to the event, and for this reason it will be called DEMO-GRAPHICS. This title references “Documenta”, the name given to the major art event created in Germany after the last World War. Documenta was meant to show the world that there was a new spirit in Germany, a new opening, and that this event would periodically take the pulse of an international situation. DEMO-GRAPHICS is being created while the 21st century is still emerging out of modernism and ideologies from the past. A new world is being formed before our eyes. Demographics are a good indication of those changes. The event will bring together artists who reflect the diversity of the Greater Toronto Region. From the countries where the immigrants came from we will search for the most remarkable artists emerging there, and will bring them together with artists living and working in Canada, and with local populations. Components of the project will be spread over various venues throughout the two months period. The most important concept behind DEMO-GRAPHICS is that of "Interface". We must create a place for exchange and sharing. This is an event where Hospitality will be at the core.

Note the word "Demo-graphics" includes dèmos, the Greek word for the public place, the place where democracy and learning is exercised. It also includes "graphics", which refers to visuality, the visual arts and writing.

DEMO-GRAPHICS 1, in the spring of 2017, will be a first exercise in addressing the visual culture through the eyes of today’s artists and peoples. Chantal Pontbriand is to be Curator of the first event, Sarat Maharaj, Advisor. Asma Mahmood is Founder/Director and Yvonne Singer, Co-director.CCAI (Canadian Community Arts Initiative), based in Mississauga, is developping the project with PONTBRIAND W.O.R.K.S. [We_Others and myself_Research_Knowledge_Systems]

A first THINK TANK is being held on July 6, 2015.


Expositions en cours au Musée
La vie de château. Œuvres de la collection

Sous l’intitulé « La vie de château », la nouvelle présentation des collections contemporaines regroupe des œuvres qui ont pour thème la notion d'habitat et entrent en résonance avec l'architecture du monument.
Artistes invités : Christian Falsnaes et Elodie Lesourd.

L’exposition rassemblera des acquisitions historiques et récentes du musée qui joueront avec l’idée d’un château habité autrement par l’art. Déployées sur deux étages du château, ces œuvres détournent le motif des salons, de la galerie de peintures, de la salle de musique, de la bibliothèque ou encore de la cage.

Avec des œuvres de : Jules de Balincourt, Eduardo Basualdo, Tony Cragg, Bernard Frize, Folkert De Jong, Arnaud Maguet, Alessandro Mendini, Kent Monkman, Katie Paterson, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Tobias Rehberger, Thomas Schütte, Jana Sterbak, Patrick Tosani etc.
Artistes invités : Christian Falsnaes et Elodie Lesourd

Comme en 2014, deux jeunes artistes sont invités à intervenir dans les collections.

Dans ses performances, l’artiste danois Christian Falsnaes (né en 1980) interfère avec le public pour démonter les stéréotypes. Au musée, il rejouera sa performance participative et féministe Opening. La vidéo et l’œuvre résultante seront présentées dans les salles du musée.

L’artiste française Elodie Lesourd (née en 1978) tente de fixer l’éphémère des installations et de la musique dans ses peintures, ce qu’elle appelle l’hyperrockalisme. Elle présentera plusieurs de ses tableaux hyperréalistes dans lesquels elle transpose grandeur nature des photographies d’installations qui sont par nature temporaires.
Interview de Christian Falsnaes

"Opening" : Performance réalisée par Christian Falsnaes et Kareth Schaffer

Galerie d'images



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Guide de visite de l'exposition Laure Prouvost "On ira loin" (pdf 1,9Mo)
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Programme pédagogique et culturel du Musée (pdf 1.9Mo)

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