Saturday 6 June 2015

How to hold your own art exhibition, organize and art shows, juried etc

How to Organize and Curate a Successful Group Art Exhibition
How to Organize an Art Show

Trying to create/organize an art show can be very difficult if you don't
know what you're doing. By following these tips and steps, you'll be putting
on an art show in no time!
an entire gallery full of your artworks with crowds of people looking at them admiringly
and ready to part with a sizable amount of cash to take them back to their own homes.
Does this sound like a dream? Does this sound like something you would like to do?
If the little superstar in your head is now
screaming ‘Yes, Yes, Yes!!!’ then read on.

In this series of articles on setting up and running your first art exhibition we
dive into all the stuff we need to think about before we pop the cork on the champagne
and declare the exhibition open. We get the hard decisions out of the way up front so
that you’ll know up front that you have a
better chance of success.

This series contains the combined knowledge of my wife and myself (we are both
artists and creativity professionals) about organising and running art exhibitions.
We’ve run many art shows, some fantastically successful where hundreds of people
turned up and bought tens of thousands of dollars worth
of art, and some where the profit we received was in the education we gained of
how to be smarter the next time. We learnt on our feet just by getting out there
and doing it, and hopefully I can now save you some time
(not to mention thousands of $$$) as you head towards your glorious exhibition
opening night!

You’ve made the decision, you’re strapped in, ready for blast off, fame and
fortune awaits. “Come on Stuart, get me to the good stuff now (and quickly!)”
I hear you say.

Hold on there cowboy! We’ve got to touch base with reality for just a little
while longer before you head for the stratosphere.

Let’s get the hard stuff out of the way first!

Before you waste any more time and money on this whole crazy scheme you need
to dig deep and discover:

Is your art any good?

and once you’ve completely banished any self doubt and are convinced of your
genius we ask the obvious question:

Do you have enough art for an exhibition?

Even though as an artist you sometimes like to hide away, lost in your own
wonderful world of creativity, at some stage you’ll have to emerge and find
real people to invite to your art exhibition in order that they can buy the
wonderful things that you make, so you’d better discover:

How to promote your art exhibition with a mini portfolio
How to make a mini art portfolio
and How to get people to almost beg for your business card

and if you’re still lounging on the couch thinking about creating all that
art for your night of art fame and stardom then actually booking a venue and
setting a time and date for your exhibition might be a good way to get you
motivated, so head on over to:

Where to hold your first solo exhibition

On opening night you need some important people to come along and sing
your praises to everyone else so…

Find a famous friend to open your exhibition

and don’t forget you’ll need some other people to come along and fill the
room, preferably with cash or credit card in hand, so you will need to know:

How to have a massive art exhibition opening night

Once you’ve got everyone at your exhibition you don’t want to miss
a single opportunity so you might need some tips on:

How build a marketing list at your exhibition

Just in case there is absolutely anything I have
forgotten in the above then make sure you read:

Your Art Exhibition Checklist

Your Art Exhibition Checklist
Posted August 2, 2008 by Stuart Wider 14 Comments
The StuartCindy Art Studio

This is a checklist things you need to think about when putting on your own art show. If
you take the time to prepare up front your show will come across as slick, well organised
and professional, which in turn gives potential buyers of your art confidence.

Getting your artwork ready for the show

Photograph your art work. Once it gets purchased then you might never see it again!

Frame your artwork if required. Allow plenty of time for your picture framer to do a quality job.

Make sure all your artworks are suitable for hanging or display with strings and D-rings attached.

Wrap your artworks up ready for transportation. Buy bubble wrap in bulk lots from a
packaging wholesaler or supplier. Don’t buy small rolls from your office supplier.
or you will pay too much.

Blankets are a cheap alternative but not as neat.
Arrange a truck, hatchback or station wagon to transport your works.

Certificates of Authenticity. Make one for each artwork. Have a special rubber stamp
made up to use with the certificate. It looks great and buyers love them.

Consider bringing in other businesses to sponsor your exhibition.
Feature them prominently on your exhibition catalogue.
Ask businesses to sponsor lucky door prizes.
Make sure you mention the sponsors clearly for each prize draw they sponsor.
You may even be able to get sponsorship for catering.
Arrange goodie bags for each exhibition attendee containing sponsor leaflets,
any freebies and your business card.

Recording the event

Arrange a photographer
Arrange a video camera operator
Contact press photographers and ask them to come along

Hanging your exhibition

Measure the exhibition space and plan how you will hang you artworks.
Does the space need themeing or decorating in some way to give it extra pizazz?
Make sure you have hanging equipment suitable for the space you will be displaying in.
You may need to investigate the space closely to figure out how you will hang the works if
it’s not a gallery with built in rails.
In some spaces without obvious wall hanging opportunities you may have to hire in stands
from an exhibition hire company.
When you deliver your artworks to the venue, lean them against the wall directly underneath
where you will be hanging them, so you can get a feel for the layout and your hanging assistants
will get a better idea of what they are doing.


Create a ‘running order’ for the show, which details the timing of events on the opening night. Distribute it to everyone involved in the show.
Invite a VIP person to open the show for you.
Brief your VIP with things they might like to mention.
Appoint an MC who will introduce both the VIP, yourself and any other speeches or exhibition events.
Prepare a speech. People will want to hear from you the great artist!
Announce any prize draws at least twice during the night.
What are your show opening and closing times. Decide up front how log the show will go for.

The Entertainment

What nibblies will you provide?
What drinks will you provide? Remember to provide both alcoholic and soft drinks. I once had a
slushie machine and added spirit to the mix. Instant self service cocktails!
Hire in professional caterers if you haven’t got time to do it yourself.
Hire professional wait staff or get some friends in to assist with serving.
Do you need musicians, a DJ or at least someone to change a carefully chosen CD once in a while?


Create lables for every artwork containing the title, price, medium and size.
Try and have artworks priced in various ranges, so that everyone has an opportunity to buy something.
Get some red stickers for artworks sold on the night.
Try and have some artworks that are hanging but have been presold before the opening night
with red dots on them. It gives people confidence and encourages them to buy.
Appoint sales assistants and let them know how to process sales
Set up a system for receipting. This could be as simple as a carbon copy receipt book.
Keep details of all prices handy for your sales assistant.
Have a till or cash tin and keep it secure
Provide credit card processing facilities if you can. People are more likely to impulse buy
if they can whack it in their credit card. If you are serious about this business then you
should arrange a merchant account with a bank so you can process credit cards.
Be prepared to provide shipping and packaging costs. Some people will not buy unless they
know these things up front. Your freight company should be able to provide a table. Estimate
packaging weight and size for each artwork before the exhibition so you can quote quickly.
When someone seems interested in buying, don’t be afraid to ask for the sale. “Would you
like to take this artwork home with you tonight?”
If a person wants to negotiate, state your price with confidence and then shut up! Let the
buyer make the next move and then lead the sale to a conclusion. “How would you like to pay
for that?”

Things not to do

Don’t underestimate the amount of time it will take to hang your exhibition.
Don’t be a diva. If things aren’t going right, negotiate gently. Just because many legendary
artists were quite temperamental doesn’t mean you have to be.
In your speech, if you stuff up and miss some important things you wanted to say don’t let
everyone know by fluffing around. Nobody knows what you are about to say other than you and
any stuff ups you make will probably go unnoticed anyway.
Don’t get drunk. It’s easy to do as you will be running on adrenalin and people will keep
serving you drinks as you are the most important person there.
Don’t ignore people or be shy. It’s your party. People want to know and meet you.
Don’t get caught up talking to one person. You need to circulate. Pay special attention to
potential buyers and VIP’s though.
Don’t get depressed if people are not buying your artworks on the night. People sometimes have
to think about an expensive purchase. Follow up any leads after the show.
Don’t make artworks that can only be sold as a set. People are contrary and will often just
want one.
Don’t fluff around when people ask you the price of an artwork. Know your prices. State them
clearly with conviction.
Your confidence will tell the potential buyer that your artwork is worth what you are asking.
Don’t forget to thank everyone who was personally involved in helping to put on your show.

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