Sunday 20 December 2015

Dear artist, you realize your painting must compete with million dollar visual creations, eg Hollywood blockbusters?

Artist, painter, you do realize that the painting you create have the Herculean task of having to compete for the attention of viewers, who are bombarded with and endless stream of stimuli and an infinity of images.

Not only the images and other stimuli each individual is subjected to in daily existence, but those from socio-cultural practices other than visual art, Fine Art and painting.

In the discourse of Visual Art competition for the attention of viewers will come from million dollar Weiwei, Kapoor et al installations, sharks and other objects riding on the celebrity fame of Hirst, Ono-Lennon, Abramovics, Sherman, Koons, Stallone and the other darlings of the media.

Apart from the competition coming from living art world celebrities and the shock tactics they frequently employ, there are New Media 'art', and the iconic art of deceased artists such as da Vinci, Rembrandt, van Gogh, Picasso, Warhol, et al, 8 feet long, $70 million Cy Twombly's, etc

The real point I wish to make is this: you realize of course that the possible impact and the meaning of the painting you create, sigh, whisper or shout 'please notice me' in a visual discourse that is populated by objects from socio-cultural practices such as multi-million dollar 90 minute long Films created by Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Angelina and other gods and goddesses from Hollywood, Bollywood, etc, expensive video production and live shows from Madonna, Usher, Bieber, et al, the drama created on sports grounds by celebrity super stars such as Ronaldo, Sanchez, et al, expensive theatre, musical and opera productions.

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